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Applying to university

How do you get a reference for your UCAS application?

Getting your reference depends on if you’re applying individually, through a school, college, or a centre registered with UCAS.


  1. Who can be a UCAS referee?

  2. How to choose a referee

  3. How to ask for a UCAS reference

  4. Applying without the support of a school?

  5. Tips for getting a good UCAS reference

  6. How the reference should be written

What is a UCAS reference? 

A UCAS reference is a written statement that you must provide as part of your UCAS application. It highlights your academic performance, your work ethic and suitability for further study or future career.

Who can be a UCAS referee? 

A UCAS referee is usually someone who knows you academically. If you are currently in school or college, then a tutor or head teacher could be your referee. If you left education some time ago then an employer or volunteer supervisor would be a great alternative.

Family, friends, or partners are not eligible and your application will be rejected if you use them as a referee.

How to choose a referee

Choosing the right UCAS referee is a crucial part of the process. Here are some factors to consider to help you choose:

Do they know you well academically?  

Pick someone who knows you well academically and can accurately comment on your academic record over time.

Can they speak to your strengths and weaknesses?  

Your application needs to be a balanced account of your strengths as well as the areas to develop. Does your potential referee know you well enough to do that?

Can they comment on your personal qualities?  

Your personal qualities are important to emphasise too, do you have a particular rapport with a teacher who can talk about this confidently?

Are they willing and able to write you a reference? 

You will need to check with your preferred referee that they are happy to provide you with a reference. If they seem hesitant, this might be because they don’t feel they know you well enough so have more than one person in mind.

How to ask for a UCAS reference

Once you have decided on your referee, you need to ask them to supply the statement either by talking to them in person or via email.

If you are applying through school, college or a centre registered with UCAS, they will write the reference for you before sending your completed application to UCAS.

Applying without the support of a school?

 If you are applying individually, fill in the details of your referee in the reference section of your UCAS application form and UCAS will send them the necessary details and guidance. Once the reference has been received, UCAS will email you to let you know that section of the form has been completed. You can request a reference as soon as you’ve filled out your educational history.

Tips for getting a good UCAS reference

Give your referee plenty of time 

Make sure you give your referee plenty of time to write your reference before the deadline. Your referee may have multiple references to write as well as other demands on their time.

Provide your referee with all the information they need 

Make sure you give them all the supporting information relevant to the courses you’re applying for so they can create a relevant statement.

Be polite and professional 

Being polite and professional will help build a positive relationship with your referee. It also shows you are serious about your application and value your referee’s time and effort.

Follow up 

Checking in with your referee once they’ve agreed to write a reference is a good idea. It allows you to remind them of the deadline, provide any additional information they might need and gives you an opportunity to thank them. If you find your referee hasn’t started your reference, don’t panic, just remind them of the deadline and ask them if there is anything else they need from you.

How the reference should be written

Your referee will write the statement online in the reference section of your UCAS application. If your referee is a teacher, they can add in your predicted grades for the qualifications you are currently studying for. Your referee can also add any circumstances that may have affected your academic work but only with your permission.

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