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Student life-before you start

Tips for starting university

Starting university can be both an exciting and daunting experience. Here we have the best tips for starting university to make the process much easier.

Only pack the essentials 

It may be tempting to pack everything you own when getting ready for university. However, you should only pack the essentials.  

As you’ll likely be living with others, you won’t need to take too much, otherwise you may end up with multiples of the same thing such as kitchen utensils. You can always wait until you know what’s available and then buy any extras.  

Many universities also create Whatsapp or Facebook groups for student halls of residence, so you could find your new flat mates on there to ask what they’re bringing. This can be a great first interaction too! 

Try to avoid anything too expensive, and don’t forget the important documents you'll need for enrolment. You may also need to bring some form of identification like a passport or driving license if you plan to go to clubs, pubs and bars during your studies. 

Get ready to make new friends 

It can be overwhelming when meeting lots of new people, especially living with them straight away. Countless students will start university at the same time as you, so you're bound to share interests with other people. 

Just make sure you put yourself out there so you can find them and they can find you. One of our top tips for starting university is to leave your door ajar when first moving into your flat. This way, other students can see that you’ve moved in and can you say hello. 

It's okay to miss home 

Moving out isn’t easy. It’s totally normal to feel homesick at first. You’ll have a new environment and friends, a new education and responsibilities. You may feel down at times, but that’s normal – lots of students do. It’s always good to keep in touch with family and friends. Let them know how you're feeling and if you need to, contact university support services, which should always be available to help.  

Believe in yourself 

Don't ever think you're not good enough to be where you are. Stepping up to degree level can be difficult for anyone. Fortunately, the staff will make sure you're gradually introduced to the work so you don't feel too overwhelmed. 

Most universities will have extra learning facilities to help with your studies, with some offering workshops and short courses before term starts.  

Don't forget you picked your course for a reason, most likely because it’s something you have a strong interest in. Any difficulties will be worth it in the end. 

Take advantage of every opportunity

From work experience to volunteering or joining a club or society, there's a wealth of different things you can do to enrich your student life. Make the most of your time when not studying. Extra skills you develop as well as contacts and networks you gain will enhance your degree and boost your CV, and could create new opportunities after graduating.

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