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Computer Science


Computers and computer programmes are integral to our everyday lives. A Computer Science degree is not only great for employability in the modern world but is also an ideal degree for those who love to analyse and problem solve. You can find the best universities for Computer Science in the UK outlined in our Computer Science rankings. You can filter our computer science university rankings by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. Universities offer degrees combining Computer Science with other fields, so see which course best suits you.

Computers and computer programmes are integral to our everyday lives. A Computer Science degree is not only great for employability in the modern world but is also an ideal degree for those who love to analyse and problem solve. You can find the best universities for Computer Science in the UK outlined in our Computer Science rankings. You can filter our computer science university rankings by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. Universities offer degrees combining Computer Science with other fields, so see which course best suits you.

Computers and computer programmes are integral to our everyday lives. A Computer Science degree is not only great for employability in the modern world but is also an ideal degree for those who love to analyse and problem solve. You can find the best universities for Computer Science in the UK outlined in our Computer Science rankings. You can filter our computer science university rankings by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. Universities offer degrees combining Computer Science with other fields, so see which course best suits you.

Want to study Computer Science?
The total score calculated by our independent and trusted methodology.
The average UCAS tariff score of new students entering the university.
How satisfied students are with the quality of teaching they receive.
A measure of the quality of the research undertaken in the university.
A measure of the proportion of staff involved in high-quality research in the university.
A guide to the success of graduates after leaving university.
How much the university spends on supporting services such as libraries and IT.
How much the university spends on supporting facilities such as the careers service, health and counselling services and sport facilities.
The proportion of students expected to successfully complete their studies and gain a degree from the university.
The proportion of first-year students who continue their studies, leave with a qualification or transfer to another university.
The average staffing levels at the university.
The success of graduates after leaving university.
A measure of whether recent graduates agree that their current activity fits with their future plans.
  • University ranking
  • University name
  • Overall score
    / Max 100
  • Entry standards
    / Max 227
  • Student satisfaction
    / Max 5
  • Research quality
    / Max 4
  • Contin - uation
    / Max 100
  • Graduate prospects – outcomes
    / Max 100
  • Graduate prospects – on track
    / Max 100
  • 100.0 100%
    97.8 98%
    96.1 96%
    93.2 93%
    92.6 93%
    92.6 93%
    92.2 92%
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    91.9 92%
    91.5 92%
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    86.9 87%
    86.8 87%
    86.0 86%
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    85.9 86%
    85.9 86%
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    85.7 86%
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    83.0 83%
    82.7 83%
    82.4 82%
    81.3 81%
    80.8 81%
    80.7 81%
    79.7 80%
    79.3 79%
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    79.2 79%
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    79.1 79%
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    78.9 79%
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    78.3 78%
    78.3 78%
    78.3 78%
    78.2 78%
    78.1 78%
    78.1 78%
    77.9 78%
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    77.8 78%
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    76.9 77%
    76.8 77%
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    76.6 77%
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    76.4 76%
    76.1 76%
    76.1 76%
    76.0 76%
    76.0 76%
    75.7 76%
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    74.9 75%
    74.9 75%
    74.8 75%
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    74.0 74%
    73.6 74%
    73.4 73%
    73.3 73%
    72.9 73%
    72.8 73%
    72.6 73%
    72.4 72%
    72.3 72%
    72.1 72%
    72.0 72%
    71.0 71%
    70.7 71%
    70.5 71%
    70.0 70%
    69.8 70%
    68.8 69%
    68.8 69%
    68.7 69%
    68.6 69%
    67.7 68%
    67.5 68%
    67.5 68%
    67.4 67%
    66.7 67%
    66.0 66%
    65.3 65%
  • 222 98%
    214 94%
    227 100%
    200 88%
    208 92%
    196 86%
    169 74%
    220 97%
    178 78%
    216 95%
    165 73%
    204 90%
    192 84%
    182 80%
    186 82%
    214 94%
    160 70%
    155 68%
    164 72%
    164 72%
    154 68%
    149 66%
    173 76%
    135 59%
    140 62%
    152 67%
    146 64%
    177 78%
    131 58%
    204 90%
    151 66%
    132 58%
    178 78%
    143 63%
    131 58%
    131 58%
    134 59%
    133 59%
    134 59%
    145 64%
    135 60%
    123 54%
    167 74%
    126 56%
    134 59%
    134 59%
    133 59%
    138 61%
    132 58%
    122 54%
    114 50%
    117 52%
    125 55%
    151 67%
    131 58%
    128 56%
    131 58%
    143 63%
    153 67%
    169 75%
    130 57%
    125 55%
    117 52%
    106 47%
    124 54%
    131 57%
    135 59%
    123 54%
    125 55%
    112 49%
    119 53%
    127 56%
    126 55%
    129 57%
    120 53%
    144 63%
    135 59%
    117 51%
    158 70%
    124 55%
    126 56%
    120 53%
    131 58%
    120 53%
    104 46%
    126 55%
    112 49%
    123 54%
    108 47%
    111 49%
    127 56%
    131 58%
    124 55%
    120 53%
    102 45%
    120 53%
    125 55%
    118 52%
    113 50%
    150 66%
    113 50%
    110 49%
    137 60%
    138 61%
    121 53%
    123 54%
    106 47%
    110 49%
    115 50%
    112 49%
    113 50%
    108 48%
    157 69%
    88 39%
    84 37%
  • n/a
    4.03 81%
    3.77 75%
    3.88 78%
    3.85 77%
    4.05 81%
    3.82 76%
    3.59 72%
    4.10 82%
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    4.01 80%
    3.18 64%
    3.67 73%
    3.70 74%
    3.64 73%
    3.67 73%
    4.11 82%
    3.72 74%
    3.97 79%
    3.84 77%
    3.76 75%
    3.85 77%
    3.33 67%
    3.94 79%
    3.67 73%
    3.69 74%
    3.74 75%
    3.74 75%
    4.12 82%
    3.89 78%
    3.80 76%
    3.84 77%
    3.77 75%
    3.81 76%
    3.88 78%
    4.29 86%
    3.81 76%
    3.85 77%
    3.69 74%
    3.86 77%
    3.98 80%
    4.15 83%
    3.76 75%
    3.71 74%
    3.76 75%
    3.66 73%
    3.85 77%
    3.90 78%
    3.81 76%
    3.82 76%
    3.75 75%
    3.81 76%
    4.04 81%
    3.56 71%
    3.77 75%
    3.99 80%
    3.73 75%
    3.83 77%
    3.84 77%
    3.94 79%
    3.85 77%
    3.75 75%
    3.48 70%
    4.05 81%
    4.08 82%
    3.70 74%
    4.10 82%
    4.68 94%
    3.60 72%
    3.83 77%
    3.79 76%
    3.99 80%
    3.92 78%
    4.03 81%
    3.29 66%
    3.97 79%
    4.16 83%
    3.97 79%
    3.86 77%
    3.92 78%
    3.57 71%
    3.63 73%
    3.73 75%
    3.92 78%
    4.31 86%
    4.09 82%
    3.72 74%
    4.07 81%
    3.98 80%
    3.60 72%
    4.08 82%
    3.51 70%
    3.76 75%
    3.55 71%
    3.48 70%
    4.19 84%
    3.83 77%
    3.41 68%
    3.81 76%
    4.06 81%
    3.84 77%
    3.89 78%
    3.67 73%
    3.25 65%
    3.84 77%
    3.40 68%
    3.85 77%
    3.94 79%
    4.19 84%
    3.87 77%
    3.64 73%
    3.55 71%
    3.70 74%
    4.37 87%
    3.79 76%
  • 3.59 90%
    3.81 95%
    3.93 98%
    3.44 86%
    3.75 94%
    3.35 84%
    3.77 94%
    3.73 93%
    3.59 90%
    3.15 79%
    3.59 90%
    3.75 94%
    3.61 90%
    3.56 89%
    3.68 92%
    3.61 90%
    3.24 81%
    3.62 91%
    3.00 75%
    3.50 88%
    3.32 83%
    3.49 87%
    3.62 91%
    3.26 82%
    3.50 88%
    3.41 85%
    3.44 86%
    3.38 85%
    3.17 79%
    3.21 80%
    3.65 91%
    3.17 79%
    3.14 79%
    3.28 82%
    3.39 85%
    3.07 77%
    3.22 81%
    3.11 78%
    3.26 82%
    2.84 71%
    3.43 86%
    2.37 59%
    3.20 80%
    3.15 79%
    3.12 78%
    3.32 83%
    2.86 72%
    2.75 69%
    2.74 69%
    2.50 63%
    2.72 68%
    3.02 76%
    2.74 69%
    2.86 72%
    2.88 72%
    2.89 72%
    2.82 71%
    2.81 70%
    3.12 78%
    2.74 69%
    2.89 72%
    3.15 79%
    2.67 67%
    2.40 60%
    2.46 62%
    2.82 71%
    3.17 79%
    2.51 63%
    2.92 73%
    2.80 70%
    2.51 63%
    2.69 67%
    2.84 71%
    2.58 65%
    2.64 66%
    3.18 80%
    3.06 77%
    2.42 61%
    2.74 69%
    2.85 71%
    2.57 64%
    2.76 69%
    2.48 62%
    2.80 70%
    2.54 64%
    2.70 68%
    2.70 67%
    2.24 56%
    2.57 64%
    2.60 65%
    2.23 56%
    2.50 63%
    2.43 61%
    2.80 70%
    2.28 57%
    1.87 47%
    2.52 63%
    2.63 66%
    2.03 51%
    1.67 42%
    2.61 65%
    2.31 58%
    2.20 55%
    1.90 48%
    2.01 50%
  • 98.5 99%
    100 100%
    93.8 94%
    96.4 96%
    95.1 95%
    96.6 97%
    97.7 98%
    98.4 98%
    98.1 98%
    99.3 99%
    99.2 99%
    96 96%
    95.6 96%
    96.2 96%
    95.8 96%
    97.5 98%
    96.6 97%
    96.9 97%
    97.3 97%
    92.6 93%
    96.2 96%
    97.6 98%
    96.4 96%
    95.1 95%
    97.1 97%
    92.5 93%
    96.6 97%
    100 100%
    95.1 95%
    93.5 94%
    95.1 95%
    93.5 94%
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    95.9 96%
    94.3 94%
    92.1 92%
    96.7 97%
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    92 92%
    91.9 92%
    94.3 94%
    88.9 89%
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    91.1 91%
    91.9 92%
    89.4 89%
    96.1 96%
    91.6 92%
    93.3 93%
    86.6 87%
    95.2 95%
    93.1 93%
    84.6 85%
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    92.4 92%
    92.4 92%
    94.5 95%
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    89.2 89%
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    89.8 90%
    91.9 92%
    87.6 88%
    93.5 94%
    91.3 91%
    80 80%
    92.9 93%
    90.6 91%
    84.7 85%
    83.6 84%
    91 91%
    86.9 87%
    92.5 93%
    93 93%
    89.3 89%
    88.3 88%
    91 91%
    83.1 83%
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    88.4 88%
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    90.5 91%
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    85 85%
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    79.9 80%
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    82.2 82%
    80.2 80%
    83.7 84%
    75.3 75%
    81.5 82%
    85 85%
  • 97.0 97%
    96.0 96%
    100.0 100%
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